Thursday, October 10, 2013


Beauty. This word is freaking subjective, it's astounding. Beauty can be referenced to quite literally anything, and can also be interpreted in quite literally anyway. Society has twisted and skewed the word in such a way that you've got people like this (it's a very off-putting picture, just sayin') who try their absolute hardest to be portray "beauty". In most of these people's eyes, they aren't nearly beautiful enough and need to do more to achieve their goal. Then there's the opposite end of the spectrum where there are actually entire cultures based around people like this (not wrestling, that fact that they’ve got a bit of meat on them) are seen as beautiful and rich, as they can afford to eat. Finally there’s the people who are currently being seen as “correct”. These are the people who don't care about what others think and learn to appreciate the who they are and the way they are. There are entire websites and articles directly correlating with this idea of accepting one's beauty.

On a different note, beauty is very much not exclusive to people. There are landscapes like this which are actually quite striking to look at. Paintings, murals (this is Detroit), sculptures (New Zealand), along with many other things that are all incredibly to look at. Some artists and photographers have made their entire lives out of trying to capture and convey beauty through whatever means they have at their disposal. Whether that be through graffiti and vandalism, or statues and shrines. Music is probably the most subjective of all forms of beauty. So subjective in fact, that many new genres that are emerging are being scrutinized to the point where some people question of it's music at all. The beauty of music varies so much that the very word, "beauty" almost seems meaningless when the word creates as much controversy as it does.

I feel as though if the humanity as a whole could completely rid of the word beauty and remove all variants of the word, the world would be a very, very unique place. Not necessarily better, but definitely different. A good number of things in the world have been made with a visual concept in mind to be appealing to the eye. Apple products seem to be all about being incredibly minimalist along with trying to look nice. A number of architects have made a name for themselves by going out of their way to create something that is visually captivating. A good number of people have been made with the idea of them being the, "most beautiful specimen to have ever graced God's green earth." It's a ridiculous don't you think? Maybe if this entire concept of beauty was abolished, the world would end up as a giant cesspool. Forty years of darkness, earthquakes and volcanoes, the dead rising from the grave, human sacrifice, cats and dogs living together. Mass hysteria. I don’t think my attempts at being profound are working very well. Eh.


  1. the world without the concept of beauty? Interesting thought, Tristan. I'm not sure where that would leave us. Do we NEED beauty somehow? What do the rest of you think?

  2. The last paragraph is very powerful. It brings a whole different quality to your post

  3. This post is beautiful

  4. That's an interesting idea there in the last paragraph. It really gets the reader thinking, good job.

  5. Great post! I really like the idea that anything can be beautiful, and how different places have different standards of beauty.

  6. This makes me think of other abstractions, like love or intelligence or hope (I think I read once that "love" is the most searched-for word on the Internet- what are these people hoping they will learn?). There is certainly some kind of disconnect between a subjective abstraction and the concrete term used to describe it.

  7. I like the post, especially the way beauty is viewed in different parts of the world.

  8. Great examples and an interesting question, where WOULD we be without beauty in the world?
